Early Bird Special - 50% Off MCAT Tracker

How this started

My name is Nichole, and I’m a current 4th year MD student in Boston. I made this MCAT tracker for my younger brother who was studying for the MCAT. For some background, he is horrible at organization. But, this was the first thing he actually stuck with. He loved it and aced the MCAT. Now he is applying to med school. However, he is convinced that this tool will help so many others and begged me to sell it online.

Crazy reality

It’s crazy that we all spend over $1,000 for test prep resources but don’t put much thought into how we will actually turn it into a realistic, sustainable plan. My goal is to change how we all study. Regardless if you are organized or not, I want to make tools where people can make the best study plans (and stick to them)!

How I made it

After my brother convinced, that is when I rolled up my sleeves to make it even better. From start to finish, I spent ~8 months on it. While making it, there were automations I wanted but I didn’t know how to do, so I bought 3 different courses on Google Sheets from Udemy to make it perfect. I hope you like it!